Notice of Appointment: Laurence Charbonneau-Émery
Montreal - March 23, 2023
Mr. André Drolet, Chair of the Board of Directors of Info-Crime Montréal (ICM) and Mr. Jean Touchette, CEO, are very happy to announce the nomination of Ms. Laurence Charbonneau-Émery to the ICM Board of Directors.

Death of the Co-founder of Info-Crime Montréal: Alexander Harper 1939-2022
Mr. André Drolet, Chairman of the Board, and Mr. Jean Touchette, President and Director General of Info-Crime Montréal, along with our board members, announce, with great regret, the death of our co-founder, Alexander ``Alex`` Harper, on December 30, 2022.

PDQ 9 and Info-Crime project: distribution of Cyberviolence pens
Montreal - November 22, 2022
On Monday, November 7th, as part of Crime Prevention Week, held from November 6th to 11th 2022, neighborhood police station 9 (PDQ 9) and Info-Crime Montreal distributed Cyberviolence pens at Saint-Luc secondary school.

Projet Unité sans violence: the return of end of the year activities!
Montreal - July 4, 2022
A powerful return for the Unité sans violence project and its school-year-end recognition activities after a pandemic-induced hiatus.

Grandparent scams: police officers have arrested two suspects targeting seniors
Montreal - March 2, 2022
Police officers from local police station (PDQ) 12 located in Westmount have arrested two individuals in recent weeks who are suspected of extorting several thousands of dollars from the elderly. The suspects allegedly manipulated their victims by using a tactic called grandparent scams.

More Great Progress for our Organization: A Seventh Women Is Appointed to the ICM Board of Directors!
Montreal - Novembre 18, 2021
Mr. André Drolet, Chairman of the ICM Board, is very happy to announce the nomination of Ms. Marie-Eve Leclerc to the Info-Crime Montréal Board of Directors, on which she will hold the title of administrator representing our chief corporate partner, Promutuel Insurance.

The SPVM Renews its Agreement with Info-Crime Montréal
Montreal - July 15, 2021
Le Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) yesterday renewed its partnership agreement with Info-Crime Montréal for the next five years. The renewal was formalized during a ceremony held at Montréal Police Headquarters on Saint-Urbain Street.

The SPVM Joins Garage 529 in the Fight against Bicycle Theft in Montréal
Montreal - April 14, 2021
Montreal cyclists can now protect their bikes by registering them with Garage 529, the best platform yet available for the prevention of bike theft. SPVM officers met today at the Maison des cyclistes with representatives of Info-Crime Montréal, Vélo Québec and elected officials of the Ville de Montréal to highlight the good news, which is arriving just in time for the 2021 cycling season.

Valuable jewellery theft from an Outremont home
Montreal - March 1, 2021
Several distinctive items of jewellery worth over $1 million were stolen from a single-family home in the Outremont borough (Montréal) in February 2020.

Appointment to the ICM Board
Montreal - January 26, 2021 - Mr. André Drolet, Chairman of the Board and Mr. Jean Touchette, CEO, are pleased to announce two important appointments within the organization. Mr. Jacques Lamontagne is named to the Executive Committee of the organization as Secretary of the Council.

Appointment of Alex Harper
Montreal - January 20, 2021 - The members of the Board of Directors of Info-Crime Montreal unanimously proceeded yesterday, during a regular meeting of the Board, to the appointment of Mr. Alex Harper as an honorary and life member, the highest distinction of the organization.

ICM supports the Réseau-Enfants Retour in its projects!
Montreal - December 10, 2020
The ICM Board of Directors recently agreed to make a financial contribution of $ 2,500 to Réseau-Enfants Retour.

The SPVM wishes to underline Info-Crime Montréal's significant contribution to the establishment of EMIC
Montreal - Novembre 25, 2020
A long-time partner of the SPVM committed to improving the quality of life and feeling of safety of Montrealers, Info-Crime has again chosen to support an innovative prevention initiative, namely the brand new multidisciplinary team, the Metro Intervention Team. and consultation (ÉMIC).

DQ 21 pays tribute to the partners of the E = MC2 project
Montreal - November 4, 2020
On November 4, Inspector Martine Dubuc of the police station (PDQ) 21 and Inspector Cédric Couture, deputy to the head of the Gendarmerie Sud department and in the presence of the deputy director of the SPVM, Marc Charbonneau, awarded a mention of recognition to the partners of the multidisciplinary community concertation team (E=MC2).

Prevention campaign in PDQ 7
Montreal - Octobre 27 2020
On October 20, SPVM agents Brigitte Lévesque and Marilyn Séguin held an sensitization campaign for retailers in their area.

Door-to-door operation: the senior management is on the ground
Montreal – October 10, 2020
The SPVM from neighborhood station 27 carried out a door-to-door operation with residents and merchants of the Ahuntsic-Cartierville sector on October 1.

Info-Crime Montreal reviews and improves its website
Montreal – October 2, 2020
Info-Crime Montreal has been offering a web portal to Internet users for over 15 years. While things have changed a great deal in the web world over the last decade, Info-Crime Montreal regularly had to do its homework in web technology.

Fraud prevention session in the PDQ 35 sector
Montreal - August 24, 2020
A fraud prevention session in the PDQ 35 sector at the initiative of the devoted cadets Gabriel Julien and Catherine Roy as well as their lieutenant Patrice Henry, a fraud prevention session in which Info-Crime participated was held at the corner from Bélanger and St-Hubert streets on August 20.